What a glorious day. I hope you are all feeling as wonderful as I am today. I was giddy with excitement all yesterday because I had to go through all the submissions for the Poetry Spotlight and Contest and I had to choose another one of my favorite Nikki Giovanni poems as well. Also, if you haven't checked out Part 1 of my interview with Nikki Giovanni, please feel free to do so.
One of my favorite Nikki Giovanni poems is entitled, "A Poem for Flora." I like this poem because it rememinds me of how as children, we find people we want to be like because they inspire us or because they are familiar to us. I remember growing up, I wanted to be a mother, but I wanted to be the kind of mother Clair Huxtable was on the Cosby Show. However, you realize once you're grown, you can never be like anyone else but yourself. But when you're a child, anything that looks like you, sounds like you and is in the company of greatness, you don't mind aspiring to and that's why I chose this poem.
Also, we have our first two new poets to spotlight today. I was so pleased to choose them today. So after reading my favorite poem, scroll and keep reading and show these two new poets some love and attention, welcome Laura Williams and Gary Moon.
It is not too late to enter your own poetry submission, just go to the tab at the top of the page that says Spotlight Poetry Submission for more details on how to enter.
Poem for Flora by Nikki Giovanni
when she was little
and colored and ugly with short
straightened hair
and a very pretty smile
she went to Sunday school to hear
'bout nebuchadnezzar the king
of the jews
and she would listen
shadrach, meshach and abednego in the fire
and she would learn
how god was neither north
nor south east or west
with no color but all
she remembered was that
Sheba was Black and comely
and she would think
i want to be
like that.
Laura Williams is from Neath in the United Kingdom, she is a writer, trapped in an English teacher’s body. She is also a blogger, a reader, book reviewer, a coffee-drinker and compulsive notebook buyer. Seriously, she says, "it’s bordering on a fetish at this point… I have lots of poems tucked away in these notebooks, but I’ve never shown any to anyone or entered one into a competition before. Poetry is a personal thing. Bad poetry is both personal and embarrassing! I’m hoping this isn’t bad poetry. I’m hoping lots. If you’re interested in hearing more of my babble, check out my shiny blog, "Scattered Figments."
Laura's Twitter
Laura's Blog, Scattered Figments
Sun Melted By Laura Williams
Fat and creamy she melts,
Like delicious butter
In the heat.
A stubborn protest,
A placard of freckles,
She’s happy only in the sun.
She wants to bottle
A perfume of pollen
And sun baked skin.
Life is best when
Crisp, yellow grass moves
In. Slow. Motion.
Gary Moon also hails from the United Kingdom. He is a poet and writer. He says, "a glass of Ardbeg, a book and some music constitute a great evening for me." Gary also has his own poetry blog called, The Parrish Lantern, where he displays his poetry and writes book reviews.
Gary's Blog, The Parrish Lantern
Parrish Lantern on Twitter
Sunstruck by Gary Moon
you gave me my wings
Tho clipped & torn,
crow tattered rags, where
bright peacock feathers
had been. All gaudy display
now muted distrust,
of a world which I'd hid from
with thee
I shook doubt from these stumps
like clay from my boot, with
foolish pride this icarus flew
Do I need to go on, you
knew the tale.....
You were the sun
I fell
Thank you for joining us for the Poetry Spotlight. Give a warm welcome and tons of support to our two poets today. They deserve it for their lovely poems. I enjoyed reading them and I hope you did too. Since these two poems are being spotlighted, that means they are automatically entered into the Spotlight Poetry Contest and can win the prize available of $50.00. But it's up to "YOU" the reader to vote for the winner at the end of the month. I will not be choosing the winner, I am leaving that up to the followers of this blog, YOU! So stay tuned and keep up with the poets being displayed the entire month of July. It's also not to late to submit your poems so please do that today. It's free exposure and a chance to win a great prize.
Again, congrats to Laura and Gary and thank you for your contribution. Wishing you the very best of luck in winning.
The Sun's Shadow by Sejal Badani -- BOOK BEGINNINGS
17 hours ago
Nice poems all around. I like the idea of bottling pollen, and Gary's poem was moving. Nice picks for your spotlight. Can't wait to read more.
ReplyDeleteHe he. I feel all famous and whatnot!
ReplyDelete@scatter_laura: LOL,lol,speech
ReplyDeleteDRUM ROLL--you have been hit with the "Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award"!
Your blog definite meets my book taste.
Stop by my blog for info when you have time
Great poems, I liked that one about little Flora too!
ReplyDeleteI apologize, i changed location of the blog award. please look on home page under heading REVIEWS. at bottom is the location. again congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteI think they both did a great job. It is a pleasure to have them on the spotlight. lol@ Laura.
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderful, both- creamy, melting butter; icarus, and you were the sun. Lovely poetry.
ReplyDeleteIt is. I like the images it invoked. Very vivid.
ReplyDeleteOh, both poems are so beautiful! Very vivid calming images.
ReplyDeleteI'm useless at Poetry, but I do know when words create beautiful pictures. I'll be following along!
ReplyDeleteSome beautiful poems there. I would love to enter my poems, but I'm afraid they just wouldn't be up to par in comparison to these poems/poets! :D Lovely poems...thank you for this amazing series of posts. Looking forward to more :D
Thank you,
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Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
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