Welcome to Banned Books Week! I love reading banned books. My favorite banned book is The Color Purple by Alice Walker. I don't know if it's because of the mystique of the book being banned or is it just the rebellion in me to go against the grain. So what's all the hoopla with Banned Books Week?
Well, September 30th through October 6th, marks the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week which is an annual endeavor to bring awareness to the issue of censorship. The occasion is sponsored by various organizations, including booksellers, The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, The American Library Association and the American Society of Journalists and Authors. People all over the country will observe this special observance in many ways, including discussions, panels, forums, public readings and yes...blog hops.
In my support of Banned Books Week, I'm participating in a giveaway. It runs from September 28 - October 6th, 2012. It's open to U.S. residents and international participants.
Fill out the rafflecopter form.
Up for grabs:
(1) $20 Amazon gift card or up to $20 in purchases from the Book Depository.
Thanks to I Read Banned Books and I'm A Reader, Not a Writer for hosting this hop. Don't forget to hop on over to the other blogs participating and hosting their own giveaway. There are nearly 150 blogs offering free items for their giveaway. For a list of the blogs participating, click HERE. Or scroll down for a complete list.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A New Year of Book Beginnings!
1 week ago