It's Day 4 of the BBAW. Today's topic is : Readers
Okay, it's like 3 am and I think I fell asleep typing twice already. I realized if you close your eyes at 3 am, you're likely not to open them again for quite some time. So I'm going to be as brief as I know how which still isn't saying much cause I like to talk...mostly ramble, but you get what I'm saying.So to the topic at hand, Book bloggers blog because we love reading. Has book blogging changed the way I read? Have I discovered books I never would have apart from book blogging? And have I made new connections with other readers because of book blogging?

A follower and author (Hank Henley) recommended I read Hunger Games (read my review here) by Suzanne Collins. I read it and loved it. That spunky little Katniss had me wrapped around her finger for a few days. And Peeta, don't get me started on my adorable Peeta. I think he is so unappreciated by Katniss. Now Catching Fire, the sequel to the Hunger Games, didn't impress me. It was recommended as well. Didn't much care for it. But I have a mountainous TBR pile so I have to push on. Next on the agenda is Mockingjay. I have it sitting on my shelf of course screaming to be read but Catching Fire (read my review here) hasn't made me to eager to start reading it.
Another book recommendation was Divergent by Veronica Roth, another dystopian. I bought it immediately. Could've been because there was so much hype surrounding it. I have yet to read it but it is on my TBR list. I also purchased Enclave by Ann Aguirre. It's probably having an intimate discussion with Divergent swearing and cussing me out for ignoring them both. But I wave hi every so often trying to appease my little neglected dystopian adventures.
As you can see there is a trend forming here. I often will buy a book based on recommendation. However, reading it is a different story. I have every intention on doing so but my favorites (mainstream fiction) always take precedent.

The last recommendation I'll go over came from one of my favorite authors of all time, Bernice L. McFadden. She suggested, Go the F**k to Sleep. It's a bedtime story for parents. Talk about dream book. I first indulged this title by audio book while it was free. Woohoo! I love just about anything free. Then they pulled it. :-( But I enjoyed it so much I decided to buy the actual book. It's a great, funny and witty book. So authentic and true for parents who have a hard time getting their kids to bed. I highly recommend it if you have a sense of humor.
So overall I can say yes, I have made connections through recommendations, I just can't remember them all at 3 am. If I had not read Hunger Games, I would not have been introduced to the dystopian genre. And I likely would not have discovered all the great blogs out there that review and read dystopian novels.
Well, that's all I have for recommendations. I was trying to think of some more, but I fell asleep again. So I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. But before you go, enjoy my favorite Men on Books clip from In Living Color.
Book blogging has definitely pushed me outside the box when it comes to my reading and it's all because of recommendations.
ReplyDelete(BTW, huge of fan of Men on Books...teehee....and I didn't get the audiobook of Go the F**k to Sleep but did hear Samuel L. Jackson reading it on YouTube. There is no better voice to read that book than Sam Jacksons.)
I haven't been able to get into Fantasy/horror/paranormal!
ReplyDeleteReading is a part of life. Any kind of reading. Be it research papers or book blogs. They always keep us going, the dear book bloggers!
Here is my post:
BBAW 2011: Readers
I find that I have widened my horizons because of book blogging. I would have read paranormals otherwise and I've come across some good books through other people's recommendations. I like thrillers, so the Husband sounds like a good bet.
ReplyDeleteBook blogging defintely encourages you to step out of your comfort zone. I too would never have picked up The Hunger Games trilogy if it hadn't been for BB. But I'm glad I did. There have been many benefits.
ReplyDeleteI've certainly discovered a lot more dystopian books since starting to blog. I had a vague sense of the genre before, but I have a much clearer sense of it now and have found I enjoy it. I'm sorry you didn't love Catching Fire! I adored the whole series.
ReplyDeleteI have a habit of buying books based on recommendations, too, though mine are often library book sale finds. I can't spend too much time around new books or they ruin my poor little budget!
I agree book blogging has definitely introduced me to a few genres that i was unaware of however i'm not interested in most of them. I do tend to read the reviews and write a few down for I give books for gifts and if a friend like a certain genre I will choose from the list of books based on reviews or popularity of the book blog community.
ReplyDeleteBook blogging hasn't really changed what I read. I'm still really eclectic in my reading choices, but there are more books on my radar now because of book blogging. I'm not as out of the loop anymore.
ReplyDeleteIt has changed how I read though, I'm more analytical in my reading and I read more than I used to.
I completely agree. Book blogging has introduced me to the dystopian novels. I had no idea that this was a sub genre when it started. I still have Mockingjay to read although I have started it.
ReplyDeleteI probably wouldn't have read The Hunger Games, for example, without book bloggers. I know with the movie coming out it is gaining some attention, but a lot of the information I learned about it was from bloggers.
ReplyDeleteI agree Jenn, blogging has put more books on my radar as well. I don't read historical fiction, and couldn't provide a recommendation if someone asked me. But now, seeing so reviews on other blogs, I can atleast make a recommendation.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for commenting and stopping by. :-)
I just loved Go the F**K to Sleep! What a hilarious audio! With Samuel L. I just love that guy.
ReplyDeleteLooks like blogging really stretched your reading.
Great post, Lena!! Entertaining and funny. Hope you finally got some good rest!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on being introduced to dystopia via book blogging too. I never even know there was such a genre. Now it seems like it is everywhere!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that Go to F*** To Sleep book is hilarious!! And there could be no one better to read it than Samuel L. Jackson!!!
It's amazing how many books we read are thanks to bloggers! Really, I have no idea what I was even reading before.