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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tidbits, Thank You's and Upcoming Blog Hop

Hi all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week thus far. A few things to cover today. I first want to thank everyone for their emails and posts a few weeks ago for checking on me during my hiatus when my grandmother passed away. It meant a lot to know my blog family thought of me and kept me in their prayers. Some people think blogging is just something to do, but it really is a wonderful joy for me to meet so many people from so many different places. I feel like I have an extended family with weird sign in names, locations I can't pronounce correctly and varied taste on books, with quirky lovable viewpoints and reviews. And at the end of the day I get to share those thoughts and reviews with other readers and family members, and every so often I get the side-eye (O-o) when I'm talking about a great book I found on another blog that is so weird and exceptional or a new author I've come across that writes a sub-genre I never heard of, but hey that's the great part. So thank you to my blog family for your support during my personal struggle.

Next, I am participating in an upcoming blog hop called Back to the Books Giveaway Hop. It begins September 1st and my giveaway will be open to U.S. and International participants. I normally giveaway several books to several winners during blog hops because I personally feel like if you take out the time to fill out the form, it ought to be worth it. But that's just me. It could be sour grapes because I have NEVER won a book in a book hop before. Haha. So maybe the Book Gods will be good to me with this blog hop. *pretty please*

More importantly, is what to giveaway. As I said before I normally giveaway several books. Well, I have in the past for other occasions and events given away book baskets/boxes. I love making them and I usually give them  away for family and friends. So here are two that I made some time back. I want your feedback as to what you prefer. Would you rather win several books or a book basket?

Also, please check out my most recent book review, "A Story for Beautiful Girl" by Rachel Simon and let me know what you thought. Rachel Simon stopped by and read it unbeknownst to me and was thankful for the honest review, so much so she tweeted it. *happy dance* I was shocked and elated. So please check out the review or pick up a copy of A Story of Beautiful Girl and let me know what you thought.

Wells, that's all I have for today. Have an awesome week. I'm trying to get back on track for my Friday's Free eBooks. Keeping my fingers crossed that I get it completed before tomorrow. So check back to see if I did. :-)


  1. Book baskets seems to be such a nice idea. Have a great weekend!

  2. OH Lena, I'm sorry to hear about granny. on face book I read that you needed some rest so I thought you was taking a few days to rest. My Condolences.
    well, now i think, now this just what i think. lol. give the books and mail me the baskets. lol. they are gorgeous!! i adore and love gift baskets, boxes or balloons. so whichever you decide its going to be worth while. Do think about postage. have a good day.

  3. Thanks Anachronist for always coming by. :-) Lol @Sidne. I thought about postage after the last giveaway. Two international participants won and it cost me $50 each box, to send their books. So I learned a lot from that experience. International participants will win a $25 worth of books from the Book Depository...cause I need my few lil nickels. Actual books or baskets will be for U.S. I mailed those two baskets posted here by U.S. postal and it wasn't too bad. Thanks for the compliment on the baskets. :-)

  4. I'm sorry to hear the sad news about your grandmother. My condolences.

    I love the idea of a basket, but indeed, the postage! Even with single books, I always check in advance what it would cost to send it internationally, so I can decide how many books I will give away (how many winners) on that occasion.

    I do hope you'll win sometime. I have won loads of books in giveaways, but then I do enter regularly. Good luck!

  5. Thanks so very much Leeswammes for the condolences.

    I learned a valuable lesson that go around with giveaways. Live and learn I suppose. Never again will I make that mistake. So I will use the Book Depository for Int winners in the future, no postage cost that way.

    I am hoping to win a book this time, I guess I need to increase my chances of winning by entering I will give it a go.

  6. Lena! Those book baskets are gorgeous, and a good idea for family members and freinds that are book lovers. Congrats on having your eview tweeted by the author. It's cool when they stop by and acknowledge you. Hope you're doing well.


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I am a writer, filmmaker, wife and a mom of five beautiful, intelligent, quirky kids. This blog is for writers, aspiring writers, filmmakers and movie lovers. Bringing you my favorite books, films and photos, as well as giveaways and updates on my journey. I'm currently in the process of producing my first short film from my collection of short stories titled, If I Had My Way. The first story to be filmed will be Tandarin Drive. My award winning book, If I Had My Way, is available now. You can purchase a copy at and You may contact me via email at:

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