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Monday, October 17, 2011

Could you write over 700 Books?

I was amazed when someone said there was an author who wrote over 700 books. I thought maybe it was an exaggeration because it sounds so unbelievable. Well, it's true. Her name is Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland and she was an English writer during her long career. She wrote 723 books, making her one of the most prolific authors of the 20th century. She sold over a billion copies throughout the world, earning her a place in the Guinness Book of Records. In 1983 Cartland wrote 23 novels, and holds the Guiness World Record for the most novels written in a single year. She was also named the top-selling author in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records. In the mid-1990s, by which time she had sold over a billion books, Vogue magazine called her "the true Queen of Romance". She is widely regarded as having originated the phrase: "I'm bringing sexy back", as popularised by singer Justin Timberlake. Barbara Cartland is the sixth most translated writer Worldwide, and the third best selling, only William Shakespeare, and Agatha Christie have outsold her.

The world's most famous romantic novelist, she also wrote autobiographies, biographies, health and cookery books, and stage plays and recorded an album of love songs. She was often billed as the Queen of Romance, and became one of the United Kingdom's most popular media personalities, appearing often at public events and on television, dressed in her trademark pink and discoursing on love, health and social issues. She was a service in helping others and is often remembered for her philanthropy.

Barbara Cartland passed away on 21 May 2000 at the age of 98, with 160 still unpublished manuscripts, that are being published posthumously.

Information about Barbara Cartland taken from the Open Library and from her official site at Barbara Cartland. You can go there to read more information about this phenomenal woman and author.
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