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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tackling Tasks for a Terrific Tuesday

I have decided to regulate Tuesdays as my day of reflection for my blog. I reflect everyday, but we will stick to discussing them for now on Tuesdays. I suppose I picked Tuesday because it seem some people often try to get moving on Mondays but then Tuesday comes and they're beat, tired, exhausted or dreading the task that lie ahead for the rest of the week. So I hope today's tip gets you up and moving so you can accomplish whatever task you set out to complete this week.

"Being still & doing nothing are not the same." I heard that quote the other day while watching the Karate Kid and it made me think, "wow, he is absolutely right." Doing nothing means you have zoned out from the task at hand. Being still means you trust God to handle the burden, while you focus on the task at hand, listening for His guidance, meditating on His word, praying that strongholds be lifted and His will be done. So do your best to stay focused today! The devil or idle mind thinking , whichever you want to call it, will have you eating cookies, watching tv, waiting on a miracle. When in fact you are the miracle.

Have a Terrific Tuesday! Stay focused and get those tasks complete. There are books to be read, manuscripts to write, poems to create and miracles waiting to happen.


  1. It's a "Terrific Tuesday" for me--several tasks already accomplished, and I definitely will make more headway on my manuscript!

  2. You're doing great then. I accomplished alot today as well. Will do some work on one of my manuscript this weekend. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on how your manuscript is coming along.

  3. Very inspirational. You're right. Doing nothing and standing still are two very different things.I checked my "to-do" list and I'm somewhat off track. I'm about to set things right and catch up.


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Lena's Ramblings

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I am a writer, filmmaker, wife and a mom of five beautiful, intelligent, quirky kids. This blog is for writers, aspiring writers, filmmakers and movie lovers. Bringing you my favorite books, films and photos, as well as giveaways and updates on my journey. I'm currently in the process of producing my first short film from my collection of short stories titled, If I Had My Way. The first story to be filmed will be Tandarin Drive. My award winning book, If I Had My Way, is available now. You can purchase a copy at and You may contact me via email at:

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